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  • Esther Archer Lakhani

Independent Woigger

What does it mean to be an independent author/indie author/self-published?

For me, it's all about the timing.

The typical time it takes for a writer to go from book contract to publication is usually somewhere between nine months and two years. If you're a writer who plans to put out multiple books a year, trad pub looks more like an uphill slog than a joyful journey.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not anti traditional publishing. My brain is actually chewing on a novel idea that still needs a few years to stew. Perhaps —somewhere down the road— I'll query this idea to an agent instead of publishing it myself. If it seems like a good thing to do. For now, I've got The Safekeeper's Universe keeping me busy "independently".

I take my author-publisher title seriously. I will be publishing a minimum of two books a year, with more than eight of those books already scene outlined (Yes, I am a fanatical plotter!). I am also committed to reaching as many readers as possible, and growing Esther Archer Lakhani into a profitable business.

The Safekeeper's Universe

The Orbit Way goes far and wide, and Earth is right in the middle of a massive amount of intrigue, mystery, and conspiracy. Plots abound and characters are loudly demanding their rightful time in the spotlight. You've already met Macy, Clio, Adelair... but what about Macy's brothers, Jones and Alpho? Robin's origins? Nick's destiny? The Silent Majority vs. The Orbit Council? And where on Earth are all the Woigs? Oh, yes, stick with me, and you'll learn all that and so much more.

As an indie author, I am responsible for getting my books into your hands. Some organizations, like the Indie Author Project, help this effort tremendously. But there is no magic button to press, no bingo, I'm a success! There's only a lot of writing, a lot more writing, a lot of editing, and then a lot of marketing. Yes, marketing. How do you market your book so it stands out in the endless ocean of other (great) books? Well, there are lots and lots of bloggers, you-tubers, and organizations sprouting up all over the place who are more than happy to share their ideas on that subject with you. I'm plugging away at the subject, too, devoting about an hour a day to research. It doesn't come naturally for me, I will admit. But I'm never giving up, which might be why you've come across this particular blog (perhaps ages after it's published date).

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You have my utmost gratitude. First, for reading my books. That's why I write, so I can give people an opportunity to immerse themselves in the act of reading. I love reading. It's my absolute favorite activity. Above all else. Yes, even that. Second, thank you for leaving a review. You've made it possible for me to reach more readers looking for books such as The Safekeeper.

Thoughts? Questions? Please leave a comment, or contact me directly at I'd love to hear from you.

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